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Kathy Taylor has NOT responded to TDD questions

The following questions were submitted to Kathy Taylor, Democratic candidate for mayor, by Tulsans Defending Democracy. Taylor has yet to respond.

1. If elected would you support a change in Tulsa's form of government?

Specifically, what is your current position regarding the recent proposal regarding "at-large" councilors?

2. The formation of Tulsans for Better Government (TBG) and its petition drive to amend Tulsa's city charter by adding at-large councilors was announced on October 20, 2005 and reported in the Tulsa World on October 21, 2005.

During 2005 did any person ask for your support or otherwise discuss with you this proposal?

If your answer is yes, please indicate who and when, provide the substance of the communication, and include any written record.

3. On or about October 27, 2005 your name appeared on the web site of at-large charter change proponents TBG, listing you as a member of its Advisory Board under the heading "Who We Are."

Were you a member of TBG's Advisory Board?

If your answer is NO, when did you become aware that your name was listed?

4. On October 27 and 28, 2005, Don McCorkell indicates that he mailed or delivered the attached letter to all the members of TBG's Advisory Board that were identified in the Tulsa World or on the TBG web site, including yourself, telling them he was against the at-large petition and asking them to reconsider their support.

Did you receive this letter from Don McCorkell and if so when?

5. Don McCorkell indicates that he spoke with Jim East, your former campaign coordinator, on or about October 28, 2005 regarding the TBG at-large petition drive and your role as a member of TBG's Advisory Board. Mr. McCorkell indicates that he asked Mr. East why you were supporting the at-large charter change petition and that Mr. East stated he did not know why and that he thought it was a bad idea.

Did Mr. East inform you of this conversation and if so, when?

6. It appears your name was removed from TBG's web site on or about January 9, 2006. Please explain the facts and circumstances that lead to your name to being removed.

7. In an email dated January 9, 2006, provided by TBG Advisory Board member Howard Barnett, he makes the following statement to the persons in charge of TBG's web site:

"Ted and Barrett:
As I’m sure you saw in the paper, Kathy is running for Mayor. I don’t know who talked to her about letting us use her name on our petition’s website (it could have been me – I just don’t remember!!), but she does not remember giving that permission and is certainly not ready to commit that this is the right solution – though she is certainly willing to discuss it and is not closed minded about any of the issues we’ve discussed. However, in light of this, would you please remove her name from our website? Thanks"

Did you receive a copy of this email and is it accurate?

8. In an Oklahoma City Journal Record article regarding your candidacy dated January 10, 2006 you are quoted as follows:

"Taylor said Monday that changing the city charter . . . or recalls of city councilors won't help Tulsa move forward."

Is this quotation accurate? If yes, in referring to "changing the city charter" are you referring to the at-large charter change petition drive of TBG?

9. In a letter dated January 19, 2006, to Tulsa County Democratic Party Chair Patti Bassnett you state:

"Dear Patti,
As you requested at the supper on Saturday evening, I am writing to confirm that I am opposed to the charter change for at large candidates. I continue to believe that while there may be those who are well intentioned, the charter change is an attempt to overcome the lack of decisive and proven leadership in the Mayor's office."

Is this statement an accurate statement of your position regarding the at-large proposal for charter change?

If your answer is YES, when did this become your position?

10. On 2/5/06 on an Oklahoma Democratic web forum (www.okdemocrat.com) a person identified as J. Hayes stated the following:

"She [Taylor] was listed as the Secretary of Commerce and Tourism on that site [Tulsans for Better Government] as was clearly shown here weeks ago. Upon seeing her name listed many concerned citizens called her office in October and November to let her know they did not appreciate her supporting such an organization in her official role as a member of Governor Henry's cabinet. The governor's office was called as well."

On 2/20/06 a person also identified as J. Hayes, on the same web site indicates that he/she personally called Taylor’s office and complained.

Do you have any knowledge about persons contacting you or your office and/or the Governor or the Governor's office regarding concerns about your name appearing on the TBG web site?

If your answer is yes, please identify the substance of the calls, the person(s) who made them, when they were made and what response they were given.

11. Are you prepared to say the initiative petition process proposal by Tulsans for Better Government was NOT a good way to change the city charter?

12. Do you think the proposal by Tulsans for Better Government was divisive?

13. If elected, what will you do to prevent or stop bad or divisive proposals?

14. If you are opposed to changing Tulsa's form of government by adding at-large councilors, please describe your past efforts and future plans to stop this proposal.

15. If you are opposed to changing Tulsa's form of government by adding at-large councilors will you commit now to this position even if the Citizen’s Commission on the Structure of Tulsa’s government appointed by Mayor LaFortune recommends some form of at-large council representation.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 28, 2006 11:07 PM.

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