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November 2011 Archives

November 4, 2011

VOTE NO on Initiative Proposition No. 1 (At-Large councilors)


What do the ALL the following have in common?

The Tulsa County Democratic Party, The Tulsa County Republican Party, The Tulsa Metro Chamber of Commerce, The League of Women Voters, Urban Tulsa, The Oklahoma Eagle, Michael Bates, The Tulsa World, Howard Barnett, Mike Batman, G. T. Bynum, Blake Ewing, Ken Brune, NAACP, 100 Black Men, all the members of the present City Council, Mayor Dewey Bartlett

Some might believe that the only thing ALL have in common is their membership in the human race. But sometimes politics does make strange bedfellows----THEY ALL---Let me say that again--THEY ALL OPPOSE INITIATIVE PROPOSITION NO. 1 regarding adding 3 additional members to the Tulsa City Council --elected at-large --and adding the Mayor as chair to the council --who will control its agenda and appoint its Vice-Chair at-will.

This ill-advised at-large proposition will create more discord in Tulsa. It will immediately create 3 mini-mayors that will undermine our strong mayor form of government. It is fundamentally unfair and will give the higher turnout parts of town more representation. It will likely result in a lawsuit over the Federal Voting Rights Act. It is backed by bankers and developers who have a special interest when matters come before the council.

Please VOTE NO on Initiative Proposition No. 1. on Tuesday, November 8, 2011.

Your neighborhood friends,
Herb Beattie, Greg Bledsoe and Eddie Evans,
Tulsans Defending Democracy, tulsansdefendingdemocracy.com

About November 2011

This page contains all entries posted to Tulsans Defending Democracy in November 2011. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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